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Riding with grace and grit

The purpose of the Pikes Peak Rangerettes is to promote horsemanship, sportsmanship, and citizenship among young women in the Pikes Peak Region

Ride with Grit and Grace

The purpose of the Pikes Peak Rangerettes is to promote horsemanship, sportsmanship, and citizenship among young women in the Pikes Peak Region

Our Sponsors

Sponsors play a pivotal role in supporting and fueling the passions, ambitions, and dreams of our young horsewomen. The Pikes Peak Rangerettes are incredibly grateful for the invaluable contributions of our sponsors. These partnerships not only help us achieve our goals but also enable us to create memorable experiences, foster innovation, and make a positive impact. Become a sponsor today!

Our Sponsors

Sponsors play a pivotal role in supporting and fueling the passions, ambitions, and dreams of our young horsewomen. The Pikes Peak Rangerettes are incredibly grateful for the invaluable contributions of our sponsors. These partnerships not only help us achieve our goals but also enable us to create memorable experiences, foster innovation, and make a positive impact. Become a sponsor today!

Our Team

The Rangerettes are a group of girls ranging in ages anywhere from 12-20 who are skilled horsewomen, competitive, brave and enjoy riding fast. To join the Rangerettes, riders must be invited by a current Rangerette, Director, Drillmaster, or a member of the Pikes Peak Range Riders and they must complete a comprehensive riding test. 

The Rangerettes are led by Director Chris Herman, Drillmaster Megan Corgan, and Assistant Drillmaster Jennifer Dillie. Their officers for the 2025 season are Captain Kaylee Gripentrog, Co-Captains Skilly DeLoach and Olivia White, Secretary Hailey Herman, and Assistant Secretary Caylee Andrew.

Upcoming Events

February 6, 2025: City Slickers Ranch Rodeo @Latigo Trails Equestrian Center

February 22, 2025: Broadmoor Winter Polo Classic @Norris Penrose Event Center

April 13, 2025: Sponsorship Appreciation @Norris Penrose Event Center

April 20, 2025: Rendezvous @Latigo Equestrian Center

May 3, 2025: Blue and Brass Gala @Norris Penrose Events Center

May 7, 2025: Western Spirit Mixer @Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame

June 4, 2025: Token Presentation @Pioneers Museum

June 14-15: 2025: Top of the World Rodeo @Cripple Creek, Co

June 18, 2025: Western Street Breakfast @Downtown Colorado Springs, Co

July 4, 2025: 4th of July parade @Monument, Co

July 8-12, 2025: Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo!!!!! @Norris Penrose Events Center

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